Surgical Services Offered:
Peripheral Arterial Disease Vascular Surgery
- Arteriogram
- Diagnostic imaging of blood flow in legs
- Atherectomy - Catheter removal of blockage
- Angioplasty
- Improving blood flow of legs with a balloon and catheter
- Stents
Stents - Minimally invasive Aortic stent graft placement
Open - Standard surgical aneurysm repair
Carotid Artery Surgery
Removal of plaque from artery in neck
Leg Pain Evaluation
- Diagnostic Testing
- Out Patient Treatment
Venous Surgery
- Vein Ablation
- Deep Venous Thrombosis
- Venous Ulcers
- Stasis Dermatitis
- Iliac vein ultrasound and stent placement
- Treatment of unresolved edema
Lung Surgery
- Lung Mass or Tumor
(Benign or Cancerous)
- Surgical diagnostic biopsy or surgical removal